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Pennsylvania LTD Applications Blog

December 1st, 2022

What Happens to My Social Security if I Go on Disability?

Typically, you can’t receive Social Security disability payments if you collect Social Security retirement benefits. However, you might be eligible for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) if you meet the requirements. The Social Security Administration (SSA) established the Social Security disability insurance program (SSDI) to bridge the gap between when employees can’t return to work due […]



Pennsylvania LTD (Long Term Disability) Benefit Advocates Blog, Pennsylvania LTD Applications Blog

July 1st, 2022

Best Ways to Document Your Disability for your Claim

When it’s time to prepare your disability application, you will need to compile documentation that proves both your disability and your eligibility for benefits. There are multiple different types of evidence you should submit, covering both the medical nature of your disability and how it affects your professional life. This post will cover the best […]


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