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From Erik's Desk: Pennsylvania LTD Legal Blog Archives

March 26th, 2018

If You Are Continuously Under the Insurance Company’s Microscope, You May Need a Long-Term Disability Attorney

LTD insurance companies have been known to routinely subject their claimants to field investigations, surveillance, and “independent” examinations. Once you are awarded Social Security Disability (“SSD”) benefits, the Social Security Administration (“SSA”) does not regularly monitor your claim looking for ways to terminate benefits.


Abell & Capitan Logo

From Joe's Desk: Pennsylvania LTD Legal Blog Archives

March 6th, 2018

The “Any Occupation” Transition, Why You Need A Long-Term Disability Attorney

While every LTD insurance policy is different, the definition of disability will usually change from “own occupation” to “any occupation” after a certain number of months. This change occurs under most policies after 24 months of disability payments. The “any occupation” definition of disability varies from policy to policy, but it is going to be […]


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